Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.

Vacaville Center

The Solano Community College Vacaville Center opened in October 1996 at its former location across the street from its present location at 2001 North Village Parkway, Vacaville, California. The Grand Opening of the new Vacaville Center took place in May 2010.

The Vacaville Center features a 40,000 square foot, two-story state-of-the art facility which houses science and computer laboratories, classrooms, a 70-seat lecture hall, and a multi-purpose room for theater arts and physical education.

The Biotechnology and Science building funded by Measure Q funds opened Fall 2017 and has 32,088 square feet. It houses laboratories for the new bachelor’s degree in Biomanufacturing and other science programs offered through the college. The space features four biotech labs, one of which is equipped with multiple bioreactors; two chemistry labs for general and organic chemistry classes; two biology labs; both a wet and dry anatomy lab; and prep areas for all labs.

The Center offers an array of academic and career technical education offerings including:

  • General Education – humanities, natural sciences, social science
  • Occupational Education – training for a technical career, industry-specific training
  • Transfer Education – follows the same path as the first two years of a four-year university and prepares students for transfer
  • Basic Skills Education – catch-up or brush up courses in math and English language in order to succeed in college-level work
  • Personal Enrichment and Lifelong Learning

We extend a warm welcome to you at the Vacaville Center. 


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