Financial Aid

Your Guide To Pay For College!

Hireup Program


The Hire UP Pilot Program provides stipends to formerly incarcerated students, CalWORKs recipients and former foster youth to help them meet the true cost of college attendance, and gain clear access to credential programs and workforce support needed to enter, participate, and succeed in California’s economy. This grant program is a five-year pilot with a limited amount of funds.


How it works

Students in the HireUp program receive a financial aid award that is the equivalent to working full-time in a minimum wage job in California.  The intent is to provide enough support that students can reduce or eliminate the hours that they work and instead focus on completing their program of study.

For the 2024-25 aid year, new and continuing students in the program will receive up to $2,304 per month as long as they remain eligible to receive the grant.

Note that the annual award plus all other financial aid cannot exceed the student’s cost of attendance. If that is going to occur, HireUp annual awards will be reduced until all aid received equals the cost of attendance, and then split equally over the disbursements.


Eligibility Requirements

To enroll in HireUp, you need to be one of the following:

  • A current SOAR student who has been released from incarceration within the last 3 years;
  • A former foster youth; or
  • A CalWORKs recipient

Additionally, you need to meet all of these requirements:

  • US citizen, eligible non-citizen, or exempt from paying nonresident tuition (AB-540 status)
  • Enrolled full-time in a certificate or degree program
    • Full-time is defined as 12+ units in a primary term, 6+ units in summer
    • If you are a former foster youth or are receiving accommodations through the Accessibility Services Center (ASC), your counselor can provide you with a document that defines full-time differently.
  • Remain in good academic standing according to Solano policies
  • Completed a Federal Application for Federal Student Aid or a California Dream Act Application and completed all paperwork requested by the financial aid office
  • Agree to share post-pilot employment and/or further education information

To maintain eligibility for future terms, you must:

  • Stay enrolled full-time in classes that count toward a certificate or degree program
  • Stay eligible for the sponsoring program (e.g. SOAR, CalWORKs)
  • Maintain good academic standing per college policy (no excessive withdrawals)


Effects of status changes

If you drop below full-time status, you cease to be eligible for the HireUp grant and will not receive any further aid in that term. Awards that have already been paid will not be revoked, but no future aid will be disbursed.

SOAR students who are removed from the SOAR program are no longer eligible for the HireUp grant. Make sure to follow the rules in your Mutual Responsibility Contract.

CalWORKs recipients who cease to receive CalWORKs benefits are no longer eligible for the HireUp grant at the point that they cease to receive said benefits.   Students may be asked to provide documentation confirming they are currently receiving benefits at any point in the year.


Earning a credential

The goal of the program is to provide enough support for a student to earn their credential—a certificate or degree that will allow them to transfer or find gainful employment. When a HireUp student achieves their goal, they will no longer be eligible to receive the HireUp grant.


How funds are disbursed

HireUp awards are financial aid awards and will be disbursed through BankMobile. Students must set up their refund preferences and ensure that their addresses on file are correct. Otherwise, they may not receive their funds in a timely fashion.  Any awards that are unclaimed or undeliverable at the end of the term will be reversed.

See our disbursement page for more details on how funds are delivered.


Retroactive Disbursements

Retroactive awards can be made if a full-time student joins the SOAR, NextUp or CalWORKs program in the middle of a term, as long as their enrollment was full-time throughout the term.


Disbursement schedule for 2024-25:

Fall 2024

Spring 2025











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