Disability Services Program

Direct Contact with DSP Counselor/Specialist

The best scenario for dealing with serious problems (e.g. demonstrated inability to perform with class assignments or activities, etc.) in the class with students who may use DSP services is:

  • First, be direct with the student (in private) and try to resolve
  • Second, if not resolved, call DSP Counselor for 3 way meeting (Faculty, Student, DSP Counselor)

During COVID 19 Social Distancing Protocols the best way to connect with the DSP office is to email dsp@jishuoba.com or call (707) 864-7136.

Candace Roe
DSP Counselor/Coordinator
Candace.Roe@jishuoba.com, x4430

Carolyn Moore
DSP Specialist
Carolyn.Moore@jishuoba.com, x4305

Judy Nash
Student Services Assistant

Sidne Parker
Student Services Assistant II
Sidne.Parker@jishuoba.com, x7249

Scott Ota
Alternate Media Specialist
alternate.media@jishuoba.com, x7261

Tracy Schneider
Learning Disability Coordinator/Executive Functions Coach
Tracy.Schneider@jishuoba.com x4302

Kristin Conner, EdD
Dean, Counseling Services
Solano Community College